Early identification of risks

Train your signaling skills to see risks ahead of time

The world around us is changing all the time. Both sudden and transformative, but also gradual and incremental. Sometimes we are able anticipate change. But all too often, we find ourselves surprised by change.

Most organizations are looking from inside out. They are only focused on change (that is already happening) in the immediate environment. Looking from outside in will give a wider and more comprehensive perspective on change. Understanding change in the larger, sometimes global environment will improve your understanding of change and the implications for your organization.

Early identification of risks is a method that aims for better insight in new risks and opportunities that lie ahead of us.

Many organizations are reactive and tend to keep many things the same, despite the change. Being prepared for the future requires openness to experimentation and exploring new opportunities. It all starts with taking time to look around, identify signals of change and think about what the future might bring.

Thinking about the future is important. But in the daily practice of organizations it is often not considered urgent. The early risk identification format of 360 Foresight is designed to learn and implement these foresight skills.

Read our brochure and contact us for more information.

We help you to identify new risks and transform them into new opportunities

Contact us to learn more about how you can benefit from early risk identification