about erica 2

Erica Bol

Erica Bol, MA

Erics Bol, MSc, is a conscious innovation and futures consultant that helps clients and young people envision more sustainable futures. Erica likes to discover, her curiosity and conceptual way of thinking help her to see opportunities in everything and bring out a positive mindset. This does not only help the project it also brings out the best in people.

Entrepreneurial mindset

Erica is an entrepreneur in mind and soul. She dares to take risks, is persistent in her actions, communicates with intensity and obsess over details. Especially when working with the unknown it is important to help clients to have the courage to take action.

Empathic skills

Erica has the ability to step into the shoes of another person, aiming to understand their feelings and perspectives, and to use that understanding to improve the direction of the project.

Discovery and curiosity combined with a conceptual way of thinking are a tremendous source for opportunitiesand a positive mindset. This helps the project and brings out the best in people.

Contact me!

It’s time to take take a more creative approach to explore the future. Let’s talk about how to get better results from your strategy sessions.