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Freija van Duijne

Freija van Duijne, PhD

Dr. Freija van Duijne has been a professional futurist since 2006. She is founder and CEO of Future Motions. She Previously, she has been leading strategic foresight projects in various government organisations in the Netherlands. She has worked at the OECD strategic foresight unit to design a scenario based policy discussion for the Ministerial Council Meeting. Freija is co-founder and president of the Dutch Future Society, local chapter to the World Future Society. She is also part of the ‘Trendrede’, a collective of trend researchers who present an annual trend analysis to contribute to society and the Dutch economy. Her publications include:
– De Spiegeleire, S., Van Duijne, F.H., Chivot, E. (2016). Towards foresight 3.0: The HCSS Metafore Approach – A multilingual approach for exploring global foresights. In: Anticipating Future Innovation Pathways through Large Data Analytics by Daim, Porter, Chiavetta and Saritas (Eds) Springer Verlag.
– De Ridder, M, Van Duijne, F.H., et al. (2014). The global resource nexus, The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies, report nr. 2014-19
– Van Duijne, F.H. (2010) Voorzorg voor voedsel- en productveiligheid. Een kijkje in de toekomst. Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit, eigen beheer.
– Van Duijne, F.H., Van Aken, D., Schouten, E. (2008) Considerations in developing complete and quantified methods for risk assessment. Safety Science, Vol 46 (2), p. 245-254.
– Van Duijne, Kanis, H., Hale, A.R., Green, W.S. (2008) Risk perception in the usage of electrically powered garden tools. Safety Science, Vol 46 (1), p. 104-118.
– Van Duijne, F.H., Hale, A.R., Kanis, H., Green, W.S. (2007) Design for safety: Involving users’ perspectives: Redesign proposals for gas lamps using a pierceable cartridge. Safety Science, Vol 45 (1-2), p. 253-281.
– Van Duijne, F.H. (2005) Risk perception in product use. Academisch proefschrift, Technische Universiteit Delft.

Strategic dialogue

All her experience on working within government organizations makes her well aware of how to manage a successful foresight project in a complex and politically sensitive environment. Her planning skills ensure that there will be deliverables that benefit the organization on all levels.

Creative mindset

Freija’s creative mindset works on all levels. In her sessions, she enjoys combining analytic thinking with the artistic expressions, which stimulates people to use their entire brain and bring their full potential to the table. This makes her dialogue meetings an unforgettable experience.

Freija is energetic, creative and focused on results. Bringing people together gives her great joy and satisfaction.

Contact me!

It’s time to take take a more creative approach to explore the future. Let’s talk about how to get better results from your strategy sessions.