The Future of Work and Technology

Thinking ahead, seeing multiple futures allows us to prepare for a desired future

How will technological developments influence the future of work, our economy, and our labour market?

What skills do we need to teach young people to be prepared for a quick changing society?

As proud sponsors of the Dutch Node of the Millenium Project we are very happy to take the lead on facilitation the strategic debate on the future of technology and work in the Netherlands. Based on the scenarios that were developed by an international team of experts we are organizing meetings with Dutch experts and stakeholders. Our goals with this meetings are:

– To discuss the possible implications of the scenarios for the Netherlands

– To explore whether different scenarios should be considered in the Dutch context

– To add to the debate on the future of work and help prepare the Netherlands for a strong future

– To identify risks and opportunities

We will facilitate the discussion in a creative and participatory approach. We invite experts and stakeholders to join us.

If you want to join us, please sign up below

The next meeting that will be held is planned on June 30th in Utrecht, from 10.00 – 13.30 (more information will be sent to participants leading up to the event).

For more information, please contact

What are the new jobs for the future?

Contact us for joining this session!