Silke 136 x 136

Silke den Hartog- de Wilde

Silke den Hartog- de Wilde, MSc

Silke den Hartog- de Wilde, MSc, has worked as a foresight practitioner for different organizations since 2007. She combines her background in human geography with various methods of future research. For example, trend analysis, roadmapping and scenario planning. Silke is keen on helping people finding answers to complex strategic and innovative issues. She is an experienced project manager, researcher, trainer / facilitator and keynote speaker. She is at her best in facilitating in the group processes that occur when when people discuss the future and long term planning in a context of complexity and uncertainty. Silkle is an upbeat, enthusiastic and creative person. Her publications include:

Silke den Hartog- de Wilde, 2017  Grip on the Future (Dutch: Grip op de toekomst), Managementboek

This book covers various foresight methods, such as trend analysis, scenario planning, testtunnelling, road mapping, three horizons, wild cards and science fiction prototyping. You also get an insight into when and where each method can best be deployed.

De Wilde (ed.) 2015 The future of technology in agriculture, Stichting Toekomstbeeld der Techniek.

Perspectives on the impact of technological developments on the future of the agro-food sector until 2050. This publication is available on the website of the Netherlands Study Centre for Technology Trends (STT). Also available in English.

Scheerder, J., Hoogerwerf, R. and De Wilde, S. , 2014 STT Horizonscan 2050, Stichting Toekomstbeeld der Techniek

Study of so-called signals for change ‘and their possible impact on the grand societal challenges’ of our time. This publication is available on the website of the Netherlands Study Centre for Technology Trends (STT). Also available in English.

Strategic thinking and designing

Silke knows how to keep the bigger picture in mind and make sure that the end-goal is achieved. Which is: better strategy or innovation for a futureproof organisation.

Science and creativity

As a trained facilitator Silke is specialised in creating the right format and right setting for groups to apprehend difficult situations, to open up for change and make sure impactful decisions are made

The future is about building bridges between science and imagination. Sessions with Silke will get you in this space.

Contact me!

It’s time to take take a more creative approach to explore the future. Let’s talk about how to get better results from your strategy sessions.